Instructional Swimming and Surf Skills
As part of our Physical Education Curriculum, students at Talara Primary College attend a pastoral care instructional swimming program under the direction of the John Wallace Swimming School. The program utilises two aquatic locations at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre and the Currimundi Recreational Camp to implement the program.
Instructional swimming lessons commence in Term 4 with our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students receiving four lessons and our Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 students receiving eight lessons.
The instructional swimming culminates in a Years 3-6 swimming carnival at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre. The schedule of events at the carnival has both novelty events and competitive swimming events.
In addition to the swimming program, our Year 6 students engage in a Surf Awareness Program at Kings Beach in Term Four. The program is lead by qualified Australian Surf Lifesaving Lifeguards and incorporates essential surf skills, resuscitation and first aid