At Talara Primary College we highly value the role
parents need to play in the education of their child. With every new family joining us, we ask you to set aside one hour for an enrolment interview with your child/children and a member of our school leadership team. You, as parents, know your child best so please ensure you assist our staff in getting to know your child.
At Talara Primary College we make the following commitment to parents and caregivers.
Talara staff will seek to ensure that you:
- are treated with courtesy and respect
- receive a quality education for your child
- have the opportunity to participate in your child’s education
- receive accurate information about your child’s learning and behaviour at school and the programs that support your child’s development
- have the opportunity to participate in school decision making
- can ask questions and have access to information about why decisions are made at Talara Primary College and within Education Queensland
- receive regular oral and/or written reports about your child’s progress
- feel free to raise and discuss school issues at Parents’ and Citizens’ (P&C) Association meetings
- can express your opinions about the educational needs of your child to school staff
- can contact school staff for a confidential discussion about anything that you are concerned about or interested in
- can raise your concerns in a receptive environment.
We encourage you to:
- ensure your child attends school regularly and on time
- motivate your child/ren to value learning
- help with your child’s learning and behavioural development
- recognise and respect the rights of all members of the school community
- tell your child’s teacher promptly about anything that may be affecting your child’s learning, behaviour or health
- keep informed about what is happening at school by reading fully all correspondence from school and responding promptly when required
- participate in developing school policies through appropriate forums
- respect and support the implementation of school policies
- discuss with the Principal aspects of policies you feel need further consideration
- ensure the school has accurate personal information about your child, including your home address, contact telephone numbers, medical and custody updates
- take advantage of opportunities to talk with school staff at appropriate and agreed times
- contact the school when your child is unable to attend
- supervise your child’s homework tasks
- participate in school-based decision making.
We also welcome you to participate by:
- becoming active members and/or supporters of Talara’s P&C and associated committees such as Fundraising, Sport Promotion and Sporting Facility Development
- attending parent education courses
- sharing your ideas through the school planning processes
- attending school functions and meetings
- working with teachers in the classroom
- helping in the tuckshop or Information Access Centre
- helping with sports days, school excursions, special events etc
- sharing your interests or skills with the rest of the school community
- attending Culminating Activities, Showcase afternoons and Parent Partnership Meetings.
Your child is so very important. Our staff are honoured that you have chosen to entrust us with their care and development as they navigate their schooling journey. We look forward to working in partnership with you to encourage and support your child to grow as an individual.
Stephen Adams