Gifted and Talented Education
Schools play a vital role in nurturing the gifts and talents of each individual student. Talara Primary College is therefore committed to identifying and providing students who excel, or have the potential to excel, with opportunities to extend and enrich their learning through appropriate curriculum provision and recognition of a wide range of gifts and talents. Talara Primary College is guided by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) information for gifted and talented students as detailed below:
Gifted and talented students are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities drawn from the Australian Curriculum and aligned with their individual learning needs, strengths, interests and goals. Gifted and talented students vary in terms of the nature and level of their abilities; there is no single homogeneous group of gifted and talented students. Gifted and talented students:
vary in abilities and aptitudes — they may demonstrate gifts and talents in a single area or across a variety of domains; they may also have a disability
vary in their level of giftedness — this means that two students who have gifts in the same field will not necessarily have the same abilities in that field
vary in achievement — while having gifts is often associated with high achievement, achievement can and does vary across high-potential students and over time, and some gifted students underachieve and experience difficulty translating their gifts into talents
are not always visible and easy to identify, and their visibility can be impacted by cultural and linguistic background, gender, language and learning difficulties, socio-economic circumstance, location, and lack of engagement in curriculum that is not matched to their abilities
exhibit an almost unlimited range of personal characteristics in temperament, personality, motivation and behaviour — no standard pattern of talent exists among gifted individuals
come from diverse backgrounds and are found in all cultures, socio-economic levels and geographic locations.
Extension and Enrichment Program
In consultation with classroom teachers, specific, individual plans are developed for students who have been identified as achieving significantly well above their peers in the areas of English and Mathematics. Advanced and complex projects are provided for gifted and talented students, which extend and enrich their learning. Students are invited to participate in a range of extension and enrichment activities and opportunities, such as negotiated individual and group projects.
Students considered for the Extension and Enrichment Program are identified in accordance with Education Queensland and Talara’s policies.
Identification, evaluation and assessment practices and procedures of the Extension and Enrichment program is regularly reviewed. Monitoring of students is ongoing and modification of the program is undertaken as required.
Other Opportunities
Days of excellence
Lunch time activities