You Can Do It
At Talara, we have implemented the You Can Do It! (YCDI) program to support our students to be successful and happy.
This program is reinforced through Good Ones, Peer Support and classroom activities. The main purpose of YCDI is to support communities, schools, and homes to optimise the school, emotional, and academic development of all young people. Its unique contribution is in identifying the social and emotional capabilities that all young people need to acquire in order to be successful in school, experience well-being, and have positive relationships that include making contributions to others and the community (good citizenship).
YCDI’s mission is to realise, through the following beliefs and actions:
The building of social, emotional, and motivational capacity of young people rather than on their problems and deficits.
The encouragement of prevention, promotion, and intervention efforts (school, home and community) in order to build the social and emotional strengths of young people.
The development of a strength-building approach, where YCDI seeks to build the capabilities of adults (community, school, home) associated with positive outcomes in young people.
Our core purpose is the development of young people's social and emotional capabilities. This is achieved through the five YCDI characters/Keys to Success:
Connie Confidence - she explains to children what is means to be Confident using positive words "I know that it is ok to make mistakes when I'm learning something new".
Pete Persistence - he explains to children what it means to be persistent by using words "no task is too difficult for me".
Oscar Organisation - he will explain to children what it means to be organised. He uses words like "I always take care of my things by putting them away".
Gabby Get Along - she will explain to children what it means to get along with others. She uses words like "I take turns and play nicely with others".
Ricky Resilience - he will explain to children what the word 'resilience" means. Resilience means to "calm down' when you are upset.
There are also a wide range of YCDI songs that talk about the 5 Foundations that children can sing along too. Puppets are also used to make learning the YCDI program interactive and fun.