Talara Primary College | 3470874 | | | 20/03/2023 1:40:35 AM | 20/03/2023 1:40:35 AM | Talara Primary College, situated in Currimundi on the Sunshine Coast, is a P-6 Education Queensland State Primary School which was opened in 1998 | | | | | 120818 | 2430 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | {54DDDFDB-2CB0-4F4A-9DAC-88921B42DB5A} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |
Site map | 3351320 | | | 10/12/2019 8:58:49 AM | 10/12/2019 8:58:49 AM | | STS_ListItem_850 | | | | 1459 | 22 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | {C6560805-B515-47EF-AC39-AA7D7906AD68} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |
Talara Primary College | 1454 | | Excellence in education | | | | STS_Site | | | | 120818 | 2430 | | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au/SiteCollectionImages/sitelogo.png | Excellence in education | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | | True | BLANKINTERNET | | | | | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_WebPage.js | 41610;11 | 41610 |
search | 3351319 | | | 11/02/2025 1:49:55 PM | 11/02/2025 1:49:55 PM | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | | | False | | | | | | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;0 | 41609 |
Our school | 3351311 | | | 17/05/2024 1:02:54 AM | 17/05/2024 1:02:54 AM | “A school community striving for excellence Talara Primary College is a P-6 Education Queensland State Primary School which opened in 1998 with 300 students | | | | | 1690 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au/OurSchool | {51BCA376-4638-4C4E-8BC4-781786C26990} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |
Enrolments | 3351312 | | | 15/05/2024 2:57:02 AM | 15/05/2024 2:57:02 AM | Talara Primary College has a current enrolment of more than 975 students in classes from Prep to Year 6. We are an enrolment managed school and so in order to join our school | | | | | 1142 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au/ourenrolments | {DC87728F-7104-4551-9E36-911BEE668082} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |
Curriculum | 3351313 | | | 16/12/2019 5:55:34 AM | 16/12/2019 5:55:34 AM | At Talara Primary College, we are constantly focused on excellence in
curriculum implementation We offer a comprehensive curriculum in
eight key learning areas including: English | | | | | 761 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au/ourcurriculum | {7867B41B-430D-40FD-8257-A37B9E6E2EE0} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |
Extra-curricular Teams | 3351314 | | | 24/08/2022 6:11:21 AM | 24/08/2022 6:11:21 AM | Research tells us that one of the key qualities of outstanding schools is the extra-curricular opportunities that cater for and extend all aspects of students' learning | | | | | 795 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au/ExtraCurricular | {1AAE2700-CF70-476F-8670-4407EFC2C868} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |
Facilities | 3351315 | | | 12/08/2022 5:17:43 AM | 12/08/2022 5:17:43 AM | Talara Primary College prides itself on maintaining and updating the many facilities provided for our school community and our students We currently have a number of exciting | | | | | 929 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au/ourfacilities | {BA2D16ED-4BBC-4DC9-AB2B-3906BF19EF3F} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |
Calendar and news | 3351316 | | | 12/05/2021 3:22:41 AM | 12/05/2021 3:22:41 AM | this section of the website you will find information about our school events and reports You can also access past copies of the newsletter, and read the latest news stories | | | | | 891 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://talacollss.eq.edu.au/CalendarAndNews | {3917C5B1-A51F-4B6F-8501-388F04EB8761} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 41609;16 | 41609 |